Step into the exhilarating world of urban skateboarding with Cauchemardesque, brought to you by Decathlon Skateboarding! Join us as we delve into the vibrant french skate scene, Joseph Garbaccio, the skilled protagonist of this extraordinary wheels journey. Captured by the talented filmmaker Ben Blancardi and expertly edited by Marc Leblanc, this video embodies the true spirit of skate culture on bustling streets. With breathtaking shots and visually compelling storytelling, Cauchemardesque takes you on a tour through distinctive urban landscapes as Garbaccio showcases his exceptional talent and style. Prepare to be immersed in a realm of adrenaline and creativity, with the added support of Decathlon Skateboarding enhancing the experience even further. Discover the seamless blend of technical mastery and artistic expression in today’s skateboarding world. Dive in and watch the full video now!

Starring: Joseph Garbaccio
Filmed & Photo by: Ben Blancardi
Edited by: Marc Leblanc